Are you spending hours tracking data and pulling reports for your Young Living business?
Save hours of time each month and get the reports you need to drive volume and excitement for your YL business.
With OilyTrends you'll be able to...
Track business data trends from the day you signed up!
-Commission history
-Average PV order
-Percent of members with PV
-Average ER order
-Percent of members on ER
-Total number of enrollers
-Percent of Enrollers
-Total number of members
-Total number of new members
-Percent of new members
-Total OGV
-Total OGV growth
Track daily OGV data from the day you sign up with OilyTrends:
-Daily OGV
-Daily OGV growth
Get quick-view reports to manage your business:
-Members eligible for Elite Express
-Top enrollers in your downline
-Top ER enrollers
-First-time enrollers in your downline
-New ER members
-Members who are close to ranking up
-Members who are close to reranking
-ER drop off
-ER errors report (ER orders that couldn't process)
-Reactivation Report (Members who reactivated in the last 30 days)
-Members who are spending but are not on ER
-Members who are in the process of qualifying for upcoming retreats